Powerful On-Chain
Bots and Analytics


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Best on-chain analytics and bots, for real on-chain traders.

Mizar Research

Find your next-gem with Mizar Research.

Smart Wallets

Find the most successful wallets on Ethereum and BASE chains with Mizar AI's advanced labeling system.

Hot Tokens

Explore the hottest tokens with Mizar AI's powerful token search system.

Telegram Calls & Channels

Discover new tokens by checking discussions across over 600 Telegram channels.

DeFi Tools

Snipe, trade & bot trade on-chain.

Trade not launched tokens and be the block-0 dominator.
snipe logo
Set market/limit orders to auto-buy and auto-sell launched tokens.
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Create bots and automate your trading.
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Mizar Telegram Bot

Telegram Bot

Trade and monitor all your snipes from Telegram.

Safety Tools

Protect from scams and malicious actors.

Anti Scam
Protect your trades from high taxes, low liquidity, honeypots and more.
Mizar Token Sniffer
Anti Rug
Protect from rug-pulls with Mizar Anti-rug and sell before the rug is executed.
Mizar Anti-Rug
Anti MEV
Buy with Mizar private transaction and stop being front-run or sandwiched.
Mizar anti-mev
How to Get Started
Create Wallet

Create a wallet and deposit some ETH.


Search a token and do your own due diligence with Mizar Research.

Create a Snipe

Set-up your snipe and define all the required settings


Monitor and manage your orders through our dashboard.

candlestick chart pattern showing the movement in prices mobile
Ready for the 50x?

Get access to professional DeFi trading tools and start sniping today.

Frequently Asked Questions