Arbitrum airdrops long-awaited ARB Token

Arbitrum Airdrop

Wow, what a day! We just completed our very first $MZR airdrop, rewarding our early stakers with 2.1M MZR - 10% of the staked amount each! It's amazing to see our community grow and thrive. And that's not all - we also launched a promotion allowing traders to trade with 0 fees, taking us one step closer to delivering the most affordable and top-notch trading tools out there! But wait, there's more to come! We're just getting started and can't wait to see what the future holds for us!

We'd like to highlight the significance of the Arbitrum Airdrop for our platform, as this remarkable Layer 2 technology holds great importance for us. The airdrop has sparked a lot of enthusiasm among users, as it offers free tokens of a much-awaited scaling solution, and DAO governance (read the Coindesk article here). We strongly believe that this has the potential to transform the Ethereum ecosystem and pave the way for a truly advanced decentralized trading experience.

Arbitrum is beneficial for traders as it offers significant improvements in transaction speed and cost-effectiveness, making it a highly attractive scaling solution. By providing a faster and cheaper transaction process, traders can enjoy a more seamless trading experience with reduced gas fees and network congestion. Additionally, the increased efficiency and scalability of the Arbitrum network can also enable the creation of more complex trading strategies and the handling of higher trading volumes. The Fair Sequencing Service (FSS) provides a decentralized way of determining the order of transactions, which ensures fairness and security for our users against MEV bots. Arbitrum boasts an impressive processing capacity of up to 4,000 transactions per second, which is a significant improvement over Ethereum's 15 transactions per second. This makes Arbitrum a highly attractive platform for active traders who require enhanced scalability to ensure seamless execution of their higher-frequency trades without any delays or missed opportunities.

Furthermore, we highly appreciate and value the exceptional quality of the Arbitrum trading community, as their active participation, valuable insights, and constructive feedback contribute immensely to the growth and development of their ecosystem. This will be key for our own development, once we’ll start our DMizar phase (read more about our roadmap toward DeFi here).

Why did we decide to launch on Arbitrum? As we look towards the future, we envision a seamless integration of our vision with that of Arbitrum. Our shared objective is to simplify and enhance trading for all traders, regardless of their background or experience. We firmly believe that financial markets and trading should be accessible to everyone, and it is our mission to eliminate barriers to entry as much as possible, ushering in a new era of financial inclusivity. Envision having access to intuitive, expert-grade trading tools that are both affordable and, in some cases, even free, enabling you to compete on par with other players, maybe even professionals. With the added advantage of self-custody, you will be able to become your own hedge fund manager, invest in others strategies, and earn a steady stream of passive income. 

Our team is committed to achieving this goal, and we are confident in our ability to deliver a secure, self-custodial, and cost-effective solution on the Arbitrum platform. Stay tuned for more updates on DMizar as we continue to share our progress in the coming weeks.